伦敦国王学院(King's College London)建于19世纪,是英国一所老牌的高一流学府。伦敦国王学院旗下的医学院建于1550年,其悠久的历史可与牛津和剑桥争锋。在今年的QS世界大学权威排名中,伦敦国王学院位列第21位,非常值得去英国留学的学生申请。那么,伦敦国王学院2017-18学年的本科学费是多少呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。
Undergraduate Tuition Fees 2017-18
Home fees for students based in the UK and EU countries will be set at £9,250* per annum for new students starting in September 2017.
Existing students will continue to be charged £9,000 per annum*.
* Please note that the UK tuition fee may be subject to additional increases in subsequent years of study, in line with King’s terms and conditions.
英国学生和欧盟成员国学生支付英国国内费,对于在2017年9月入学的英国和欧盟成员国新生,每年学费为9,250英镑* 。
在校生每年学费仍然是9,000 英镑。
Overseas tuition fees for countries not in the EU are below:
Classroom-based courses: £17,050**
Laboratory-based courses: £22,800**
Clinical Year fees: £39,200**
MPharm: £19,650**
All International applicants to Undergraduate programmes are required to pay a deposit of £2,000 against their first year’s tuition fee. This deposit is payable when you firmly accept an unconditional offer to study with us, and will be offset against your tuition fees when you join King’s.
**This tuition fee may be subject to annual increases.
所有申请本科课程的国际生,需要为第一学年学年支付2,000 英镑保证金。保证金在你明确接受伦敦国王学院的无条件学习录取之后即可支付。保证金将用于抵消你入学伦敦国王学院时交的学费。
Note for students from the European Union
Current regulations allow some students to pay UK tuition fees on the basis of their EU citizenship and residency. Until these eligibility criteria are changed, the EU tuition fee will remain the same as the UK tuition fee. The UK tuition fee for the 2017-2018 academic year is £9,250* per annum.
Further ahead we don’t yet know as it depends on Government legislation. However, we will work with higher education sector bodies to influence future Government policy where we can.
目前的规定允许部分学生按英国学生学费比例支付学费,前提是学生具有欧盟成员国国籍,并在居住在欧盟成员国。除非资格标准有变,否则欧盟学生学费和英国学生学费保持一样。2017-2018 学年英国学生学费为9,250英镑*。
How can I defer paying my tuition fees?
Most* home/EU undergraduate students do not have to pay any tuition fees whilst studying, unless they wish to. Instead, you take a student loan for fees. Repayments start the April after you complete your course and are earning over £21,000.
Living expenses
Your living expenses will depend on your choices and although London can be expensive, there are opportunities to get the best out of London on a limited budget.
You need to ensure that you have sufficient funds for your fees and that you have enough money for accommodation, food, travel, books and other living expenses. This is a guideline only as living costs will vary according to your own circumstances and lifestyle. Students should assume that the estimated living expenses (plus an additional £2,500 per child) represent a guide to the sum required to live in reasonable comfort in London.
Living expenses will depend on the type of accommodation you have.
Estimated expenses are for the 2016-17 session. Price increases and unexpected expenditure should be taken into account. Students arranging initial short-term accommodation on arrival in London need to budget for this.
As a broad estimate of the funds needed to live in London, we currently estimate that students should allow approximately £1,000-£1,200 per month for living costs, in addition to tuition fees.
You may also wish to consider your initial arrival costs. These could include accommodation deposits, utensils, clothing, etc. How much you need will depend upon your lifestyle and these figures are only intended as a guide.
可以假定,预计的生活开销(每个孩子外加2,500 英镑)代表了在伦敦过相对舒适的生活所需的费用总额。
预计的开销适用于2016-17 学年。物价上涨和不可预见的开销应该考虑进去。在达到伦敦之后,需要准备短期住宿的学生要将这项开支纳入预算。